Working on saving tonight I think

Eat a fireball Avatar!!! ;O

I was going to have alpha be JUST playtesting but I think serialization is important for this stage… SO going to toss that in too =)..

Again things are coming together I am just running into bugs and squashing them as I go. Adding flare here polish there.. effects here and there..

Off to the day job… man I wish I could toss my full time at this game… it would already be out there! 2x over =P

Not Much to report

Still cranking along I want the game to be the totally complete first 3 levels with all menus and options along with the online brag board…some in simulator items and in device items are not functioning in the same manner so working on that tonight. Along with just playing and tweaking =)…

Not to much farther really.. it is really shaping up. Controls is the last big thing I think.. beyond fixing the online storage system =). I will have to make the account system in beta 001.. not 000 as 000 is just gameplay =)..

On second thought I will have to get the account system in to so alpha people can reserve their names and create their accounts online..

Almost there!

A shot of me playing hot potato with a grenade and a mean wrobot.. ;0

The list:
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Tweak controls.
-Check create system

and just polish left. I am playing it making a list and tweaking .. no telling how much of that is left.. but then alpha… Life got in the way big time this weekend but it is the summer =)…

The List as it stands

-Investigate multiplayer
-Account creation System.

-WHAT IS LEFT FOR Build 0000
-go up
-check drops.
-Adjust drop ratios.
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Tweak controls.
-Create Reward cut scenes for quest 3
-Create Reyem Neas Reward Cut Scene.
-Check create system

-Reyem rooms disjointed
-icon strangeness for helms…. argh going to be hard…
-Reyem Neas Lair needs door blockers and exits…
-health potion BG
-Reyem check aI
-Darken all back grounds.
-Effect for teleport machine.
-die music
-Create die effect
-reyem baddies no pain sounds.
-reyem baddies path finding
-reyem baddies have bad textures..
-Create warp device for town…
-Create possession effect for story when entering levels.
-bots 2 and 3 lost their mojo glow give it back
-create reyem neas’s character.
-make floaters all move up and down as if floating
-ADD in totems for chance to obtain summons there are 4. (summons do not drop also only obtained.. and every time you try to obtain it it gets harder)
-create floaters for reyem neas.
-new zombies right foot missing must have ate it
-bots arm shoulder joints are not compatible right now. owach that is a time suck!
-AI Path finding.. something wrong in there..
-AI finding a spot close to you that is not blocked by another AI.
-On View Item buttons need to work (melt , use , equip)
-Added Keyboard Menu
-Added Split Menu
-On Close Wait much longer to put back up.(seperate avatar and stores timers)
-Store Menu Loot…
-increase ammo counts in store not 1 but 50 per item
-Find town music.
-add base damage to the item being displayed.
-Show Quality of item in name
-Materials in store menu when viewed do not have right texture in item view window..
-On Skip intro blank screen.
-On skip intro gracefully exit.
-+level description
-duel wield icon
-When menu open do not show health bars or names.
-Always place ammo according to level and potions in store then fill out with armore and weapons.
-fill out skills for the tier ones available story!
-if click on menu do not pass to joysticks movement
-shields are darker then they should be check vertex colors on model
-shields need to show armor bonus
-potions not showing in store.
-Create duel weild left hand MINUS
-do not allow passive skills into the action bar
-Add in level up icon that will add a full point to any skill wanted. Give 1 per level. on inventory NOT full. ALLOW FOR RANDOM DROP.
-Click on Ammo number for reload!
-reload anim sometimes skips
-On 1 bullet it still reloads.
-hands gone =-)
-show both weapons in compare…
-Turned metals texture got screwed =)
-Name gone on death.
-Randomize level of bad guys more in level.
-Show name of bad guy with level over head of last hit.
-Raw Materials and Potions need a different color background.
-Add Abilities to Gore Worm
-Add Level Of Gore Worm over head
-Add Boss Names over head.
-Add in the random spawn boss. (“Gore Worm”)
-Store Menu Textures for items.. (steel)
-Store menu fix the Menu itself it is messy.
-Scope out the action menu drop an ability.
-Story for items should add all points up and not say each names bonus.
-Fix Store!
-AI Hurt sound is not sounding off on pain.
-get different camera view on icon generation.
-Add ability to combine skills of like type to power them up.Every added skill adds .25 of a a Level to a skill.
-AI walk animation needs to be scary and more clumsy on level 1
-Some map collision ai maps are off at the room joints.
-AI Speed on alert from patrol..
-AI alert radius much smaller.
-Create Reyem Neas the Ressurection summoning ability…. MUAHAHAHHAHAA
-Blood Bolt sound.
-Some map edges show through
-room_0_1 has a strange collision issue around the hole.



Here is what is left for alpha on the list

Here is where I will keep my working list for M.E.

-Build 0000

-Build 0000
-icon strangeness for helms…. argh going to be hard…
-Reyem rooms disjointed
-go up
-check drops.
-Adjust drop ratios.
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Tweak controls.
-Create Reward cut scenes for quest 3
-Create Reyem Neas Reward Cut Scene.
-Check create system

Not to much

I feel it coming (ALPHA).. and I think the world will be surprised one guy made this =)

Of course the input you guys have provided is immeasurable!

Keep the comments coming!

Be watching here please guys I will only advertise it here as I want the people following it the most closely to have the most input!

Thanks for keeping up with me and Mission Europa…


Map system in =).. good stuff..

-Build 0000
-Create Reward cut scenes for quest 3
-Create Reyem Neas Reward Cut Scene.
-Create die effect
-Darken all back grounds.
-health potion BG
-Reyem rooms disjointed
-Reyem check aI
-Reyem Neas Lair needs door blockers and exits…
-icon strangeness for helms…. argh going to be hard…
-go up
-Check create system
-check drops.
-Adjust drop ratios.
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Tweak controls.

A few days work if I was full time on this.. maybe even less.. but all after hours makes it hard =)

Anyway back to the day job.. tonight will be a night I finally get to put some work in..hopefully knock out a whole lot. The last big items are the account system, gameplay, and any pop-ups.. I do think the alpha will not contain a save system as I want a clean play through each test..

Getting a lot done in small bursts

I am pretty much at the play testing only phase.. I need a few biggies on the list.. but after that I will be play testing to get to alpha =).. I cannot wait has been quite a journey so far. While alpha goes down I will investigate if multi-player is feasible in a decent time frame or not.

Good stuff. =-)

I got in in eye – brain – game cut scenes… for in game story and what not .. its good stuff =)

Story time =)

I have a VERY intricate story but I had an idea… I wanted to ask you guys what you think is going on in Europa in this game.. do not read each others comments until after you post and I could get some good story twists. So in the comments area below try to guess what is going on =-). I need to do this before alpha as you will definitely get more of a hint when yall start alpha.. =) which maybe in a week if I get some dang time to work!…
I will be including reyem neases level for testing also.. I really just need to finish some cut scenes and tweak the gameplay… getting close =)…o and a stupid map system… argh.. that could add some time…

BTW a tour of reyem neas’s feeding area should be coming today in video =)… if I clean up 3 bugs…

Minders in!

Update Reyem Nease as a boss… since you must defeat him before you can summon him!
ignore the sound I am not done just wanted to get a video up

in 1 hour I created the minders from a blank page (models,textures,sounds,code behaviors, and insertion into the game) and had them in game =)… the pipeline should really provide for a serious amount of good content =)

Here is a shot of a wall of them about to blast me to kingdom come -)

O that is Reyem Neas’s feeding grounds… the first summon and obolisque recovered. It is in the landing zone.

Progress VIDEO

Update I think I will continue to purchase and use the town music in necro like diablo did.. give it a familiar feeling in towns… and I just love the song =)

Here is just a video of some of the level one bots that will be on level one. =-).. everything is good except for the bosses..

So now back to the list.. and to get in the summon level for alpha.. I really do not have a date. However, I will only be announcing it here I believe. I want people that are truly interested in making this the best game on the device of its type =)


Current List
Here is where I will keep my working list for M.E.

-Build 0000
-ADD in totems for chance to obtain summons there are 4. (summons do not drop also only obtained.. and every time you try to obtain it it gets harder)
-Materials in store menu when viewed do not have right texture in item view window..
-Store Menu Loot…
-On Close Wait much longer to put back up.(seperate avatar and stores timers)
-On View Item buttons need to work (melt , use , equip)
-AI finding a spot close to you that is not blocked by another AI.
-Adjust drop ratios.
-Create possession effect for story when entering levels.
-Create Reward cut scenes for quest 3
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Check create system
-Tweak controls.
-Create warp device for town…
-go up
-icon strangeness for helms…. argh going to be hard…
-Create die effect
-check drops.

-AI Path finding.. something wrong in there..
-Show Quality of item in name
-Find town music.
-On Skip intro blank screen.
-On skip intro gracefully exit.
-+level description
-duel wield icon
-When menu open do not show health bars or names.
-Always place ammo according to level and potions in store then fill out with armore and weapons.
-fill out skills for the tier ones available story!
-if click on menu do not pass to joysticks movement
-shields are darker then they should be check vertex colors on model
-shields need to show armor bonus
-potions not showing in store.
-Create duel weild left hand MINUS
-do not allow passive skills into the action bar
-Add in level up icon that will add a full point to any skill wanted. Give 1 per level. on inventory NOT full. ALLOW FOR RANDOM DROP.
-Click on Ammo number for reload!
-reload anim sometimes skips
-On 1 bullet it still reloads.
-hands gone =-)
-show both weapons in compare…
-Turned metals texture got screwed =)
-Name gone on death.
-Randomize level of bad guys more in level.
-Show name of bad guy with level over head of last hit.
-Raw Materials and Potions need a different color background.
-Add Abilities to Gore Worm
-Add Level Of Gore Worm over head
-Add Boss Names over head.
-Add in the random spawn boss. (“Gore Worm”)
-Store Menu Textures for items.. (steel)
-Store menu fix the Menu itself it is messy.
-Scope out the action menu drop an ability.
-Story for items should add all points up and not say each names bonus.
-Fix Store!
-AI Hurt sound is not sounding off on pain.
-get different camera view on icon generation.
-Add ability to combine skills of like type to power them up.Every added skill adds .25 of a a Level to a skill.
-AI walk animation needs to be scary and more clumsy on level 1
-Some map collision ai maps are off at the room joints.
-AI Speed on alert from patrol..
-AI alert radius much smaller.
-Create Reyem Neas the Ressurection summoning ability…. MUAHAHAHHAHAA
-Blood Bolt sound.
-Some map edges show through
-room_0_1 has a strange collision issue around the hole.

Earn Your Power =)

You will have to earn your summons by defeating them.

This is an Obelisque brought from below. But it seems it is more then a trophy =)… each lead to a zone where you must defeat the summon to earn it. Each time you do you will get another you can combine with yours to empower it more HOWEVER it will get very hard =)

Polishing Polishing

Here is the current list. =)

All enemies have names now. The last one damaged and bosses show as not to clutter the screen to much =)

Here is where I will keep my working list for M.E.

-Build 0000
-Add eval skill that will move the target to inspect a bad guy.. to get level and what not over the head. =)
-shields need to show armor bonus
-shields are darker then they should be check vertex colors on model
-potions not showing in store.
-if click on menu do not pass to joysticks movement
-On skip intro gracefully exit.
-Find town music.
-Show Quality of item in name
-Materials in store menu when viewed do not have right texture in item view window..
-Always place ammo according to level and potions in store then fill out with armore and weapons. No materials those are all found.
-On Skip intro blank screen.
-Store Menu Loot…
-On Close Wait much longer to put back up.(seperate avatar and stores timers)
-On View Item buttons need to work (melt , use , equip)
-On 1 bullet it still reloads.
-AI finding a spot close to you that is not blocked by another AI.
-Adjust drop ratios.
-AI Path finding.. something wrong in there..
-Create possession effect for story when entering levels.
-Create Reward cut scenes for quest 3
-Tweak all skills and abilities.
-Check create system
-Tweak controls.
-Create warp device for town…
-go up
-icon strangeness for helms…. argh going to be hard…
-Create die effect

-Randomize level of bad guys more in level.
-Show name of bad guy with level over head of last hit.
-Raw Materials and Potions need a different color background.
-Add Abilities to Gore Worm
-Add Level Of Gore Worm over head
-Add Boss Names over head.
-Add in the random spawn boss. (“Gore Worm”)
-Store Menu Textures for items.. (steel)
-Store menu fix the Menu itself it is messy.
-Scope out the action menu drop an ability.
-Story for items should add all points up and not say each names bonus.
-Fix Store!
-AI Hurt sound is not sounding off on pain.
-get different camera view on icon generation.
-Add ability to combine skills of like type to power them up.Every added skill adds .25 of a a Level to a skill.
-AI walk animation needs to be scary and more clumsy on level 1
-Some map collision ai maps are off at the room joints.
-AI Speed on alert from patrol..
-AI alert radius much smaller.
-Create Reyem Neas the Ressurection summoning ability…. MUAHAHAHHAHAA
-Blood Bolt sound.
-Some map edges show through
-room_0_1 has a strange collision issue around the hole.