Back At it…

Adding tools as I go to make the story play out as well as possible. I am making the parts I will put together like legos for all the missions. I almost have the entire first mission done. This is a tutorial mission. Pretty simple on the front end. More later when I get time!

Things are coming together finally..

I have to do some work on the quest / story system to save time. I need it to run everything from mission to cut scenes. Thus everything is in one place. So basically I am finally wiring it all together and it is really coming together. I hope tonight to have the game running from title to game through the intro tutorial. So More later =).. More later… I will try to get some more videos up soon =)…

Shader done… First port almost done..

Here is the main hub. I finished the shader that allows much faster work. It allows me to paint the verticies on the model to mix textures and normal maps. It also allows lightmapping and real time specular reflection which adds a beautiful frozen sheen to the level as you walk!… Now back into high gear! I also added more effects like the venting towers seen in the shots below that open and close randomly.



Got to do a little shader work to save time

I will have to use directional light maps to get the effect I want but I want to also use my old shader not the new shader. The new shader I was forced to place decals for details of snow. My older shaders automatically add snow and also I can paint the verticies for snow to appear… This saves a TON of time in lighting and decal application. I have to save time as it is just me on this graphically. More later….

Almost done polishing the main hub




Ill throw some more shots up later. Lighting it took forever as Unity does not have distributed rendering and is VERY VERY slow with larger models. The gas in the distance is a cool effect I made. Basically I have “vent” nodes all over the map and some script randomly picks a node to spray out of while your on the map. It also picks a random spray so they look different. The script can use any effects and any group of nodes. It REALLY livens up the scene.