Really cool stuff going in

Mail system is complete as far as receiving. Below I received 69 or so bombs in the mail and then placed them on the ground for some big booms!

So consumables are in also. Ie bombs instant traps etc 😉 those are numbered and are looted, mailed in, or bought via gold 😉 cool stuff!

This game a lot better going this direction!





Lots of changes going on =)




It is starting to come together. I have gold veins now spawning based on how long you went offline. They will spawn in full dirt or open dirt areas. I plan on other exciting things happening like events like user invasions that every base will feel based on level. Log in work on base.. uh o user invasion… or atlantian invasion… or demonic invasion … or Angelic invasion based on level. Looking really good and feeling a lot better with this new faster play model. Faster play on faster to go devices is the way to go!

More when I get time.

And yes I see the misspelling lol =)

O and I forgot to mention I have the Queue system working now.

Getting playable.

I am getting there. The server is up and running databases set up, code to create your first base and a destroyed base done, etc. I am about 50% of the way there I think. I just need to clean up failure items. Like if you do not have an internet connection then I have to have fallbacks and what not to pass you back to the main menu. Then I need to tweak the game to play MUCH faster as this is going clash of clans style and not slow paced dungeon keeper style. Anywho more when I get time.

I am making the battle level now =)


Going strong =).. I am creating the starting battle level that the players will start from. I plan on having an upgrade that will move your husk, liquidate your assets, and allow you to move to a different level that is more defend-able as you go up in level. I will try to get some shots if I get time. As always time is tight. I am working on going from the title screen to the game. I have the server side done minus some database tweaks. It stores a destroyed level if you have been defeated so you will return to your wreckage and be allowed to be a detective on how your base can be built better. And it stores your base so you can instantly restore it for another go. This will be awesome. Forget DK this is CR =)…