Good news!…




I expect to start the migration to the latest IOS in preparation for alpha next WEEK!!! FINALLY!!!

I will have to purchase a iPhone 5 also. I tried waiting for the iPhone5s but o well!

Tonight I plan on working a little before having a break. Sunday will be a Cursed Realms day wrapping level one for alpha. It will be 85% for alpha as I will not do the voice overs until the text is locked in (read alpha II).

The list is almost gone!..

I will migrate next week and also do a little performance testing and blammo go for alpha I. This will be:

Load Screen -> Title Screen -> level one intro -> level one play -> level one ending

We will polish the living crap out of the game and then move on to alpha II which will most probably be 2-3 more levels of play. Then beta which will be the entire first episode levels 1-10.

More Later!

Working Hump Day!

Update: One last post from last night was the timing runs I was doing after playing … Not to bad for tech heads it maybe fun to see what is eating the gpu cpu up =)…Lots to work on there after alpha and even release to tune…


Here is a screen shot guide of my latest play through… getting there just needs more polish =)…

Started with the spawn of limp wimpy and dimpy from the south and crushed them…


Yup just green puddles for my turrets.


I then cracked open some rocks to the east and released the first user corpses that wanted a fight..One gut bombed and took out two of my turrets but I had so many they went down easy… after some time…


Yup dead with loot to grab. Looks like money and research points…weeeeeeee.


I then took control of an imp after selling some far away homes and ran into the fog of war areas to be able to see them. I also put some medics on patrol around my base just in case more random spawns hit.


I then expanded across the first bridge and put up more turrets….no telling whats out there with the fog of war.


I took control of a medic and found another medic that tagged me a few times I took him out then found another where that minion died and I was forced back to overlord mode.


Then trouble hit. A Pus Bucket emerged from a cave I dug. These are flesh tanks. He took out 4 turrets 3 imps and 2 minions before a turret batter blew him away.


Here he is after my imps in a corner…


Here he is blowing up one of my turrets with a swift hit…


Then the foul beast fell over backwards and died in a hallway from a batter of turrets and 2 medics firing his slow butt down.


Yes alpha sure feels close!! Then we can really polish this guy… I will need some performance time also as I see a little slow down in heavy combat. Over all VERY manageable. Break time then back to work!!!!

Got to get this thing done!… So I am having at it again tonight after jujitsu and a full work day!…. Get Er Done…. more as I go…

I hope everyone had a great holiday if you had one =)

Update: Got a lot done! More tomorrow…

Here is the current list =)… What a long long road this has been! My next game will have to be much simpler just for a break!

–AI ON cannot move if spot I am on is out of bounds move to center of closest node.
–buff done is to big a blue puff and long make it shorter by half and smaller by 60%
–Mad is a faction change and a boost to all stats. add a red sparkle small
–Last script needs to turn on menu create and return camera to corpser area.
–Read over text again
–Money set with start script to just enough for a medic, turret, and imp
–Balance cost!
— Mid Mission Bump rushes triggered








I went to go see my wife’s family. We had a good time drinking beer and playing pool/shuffle board/etc. Sadly, little cursed realms worked happened. However, I will be back on it tonight and all week driving to alpha. I did get the load and save menus in. I need to get the Sell button in I forgot that one. So you can sell your locations. Then back to playing and tweaking as I GO GO GO. Again if this was my day job we would be rocking on to the next game already =P

More pics tonight =)



Tying up loose ends like the load and save menus as I used the editor before 😉



Here is the closest tornado to me when the brakout happened.

This is the north side of the storm from my backyard.

Here are some storm chasers chasing this very storm…

NUTS!!! and that is CLOSE to me. Wow.. getting that storm shelter this year some time for sure…

Now back to playing and fixing Cursed Realms… I am planning on (GIVEN MY WIFE DOES NOT PLAN MY WEEKEND AGAIN) starting the conversion to the latest OS soon which means alpha will be shortly after that. I will have to get an iPhone 5 soon to be able to test on the new screen. So many expenses argh… Anyway I will post some pics today as I have not done so lately. =)


Still playing and polishing

I wish I had more time right now but everything is hitting the fan at once. My home AC went down so I have had to spend a lot of time trying not to get destroyed financially by these con men called ac salesmen. I had one try to sell me a fan for 700 bucks I found online for 280. A serious time suck!… Anyway I am playing and making sure everything is working well. I will try to post some pretty pics tonight if I get a chance to work around all the air conditioning mess. Good times! I hope all of your days are going great so far!

Welp came in 4rth in Gi and 5th in no GI

Update here is my no gi fight part 1 I am in the white pants far side fighting a 23 year old 14 years my jr .. He had endless energy!!

Part 1


Wow what a butt kicking. I only have an abrasion on my lip and a bum shin from a shin to shin hit. Over all not to bad. I think I was about to die on the 5th fight. I had NO gas left. For my first set of sanctioned fights I feel I did ok. Not great and I hate HATE losing…. This is no excuse but I did not like how they moved my adult 30-40 division into the 20-30 division loaded with 21 year olds. I still shoulda done better but the energy levels and amount of training time available to younger kids makes it a bit hard on us older folks. I know for sure next time I am cutting down to 165-175. All my competitors where tall and lanky as they cut to my level. I cut from 196 to 178. I coulda easily lost 4 more pounds. My sons did GREAT. My youngest got a gold and a silver. My oldest pulled the same as me a 4th and 5th place. Tough stuff!!! Making men of all of us.

Now tomorrow I will be back on cursed realms and there will be no distractions as I do not plan on competing for at least 4 months. Amazing day… and I am tired as hell and ready for some fattening food and BOOZ…. so tomorrow Cursed Realms. I hope you all have a great day!

Not real proud of
This fight but it’s one of the ones I won

Weigh in tonight..

Lets hope I made it below 185 from 196. After that I am going to get some work done on Cursed Realms. Fight in the am several hard fights then if I am un-injured get back to Cursed Realms that afternoon and for sure Sunday. The fog of war is in and the list is really short. I really just need to finish making level 1 awesome. The tutorial took forever as Cursed Realms is so much more in depth then 99.9% of all ios games.

I will be updating this later as I get some work done. I cannot wait to get done with weigh in as I have not had but 370 calories in 2 days and 1 cup of coffee since last night. No water until after weigh in. Last night in sparring I won with 4 Omapalats, 1 triangle, 1 rear bare naked choke. Let’s hope that is what happens tomorrow morning =)…scared,excited, and feeling ALIVE! =)

Back to cursed realms tonight =)…. the list sure is short now…

(I may wait to tune performance until after alpha.)

Balance cost!
Sleep and Eat back on for Alpha
Last script needs to turn on menu create and return camera to corpser area.
Read over text again
Money set with start script to just enough for a medic, turret, and imp

Add awesome to level 1…

Warp gate 1 second five loop sound of energy gate

Fog of War

Update done! Stays dark
Until one of your minions gets within one square of the unknown node 😉

Break time that took all night as it had lots of parts from the pixel
Map up to the edge map an different graph items argh



I want to go ahead and implement the fog of war. This may take a few days or a few hours I am not sure. I just think having the whole level revealed to you prior to exploring it really removes some excitement. Thus I will have to edit the map window also to store where has been explored.

More later! This game is getting really good =)

Still fixing polishing…

The List sure is short!…. More playing polish and fixing tonight! (After Jujitsu and putting kids to bed) Boy is life busy for me right now!!!!!

Why is update so expensive?

After removing edit mode:
Last script needs to turn on menu create and return camera to corpser area.
Read over text again
Cost needs to be incurred.
Money set with start script to just enough for a medic, turret, and imp

Warp gate 1 second five loop sound of energy gate

Timing %
20.4 shader base draw
17.6 shadershadomapdraw // Not drawing twice.. still looking.. strange.
14.5 shader base spec no cpec no glow draw
12.3 sgsk_UpdateSkin
3.5 Matrix3DMultiply
3.5 shaderbasesimplealphatestdraw
2.7 shaderfogonlydraw
2.6 sMenuDraw
1.4 sgsk_UpdateSkeleton

Talks to much in attack mode. possibly

— On Die loose link



destoy list pools
scene node pools

9.4% skeletal skin update
2.4 skeleton


Poor limpy wimpy and dimpy..







Above is one of the first scripted events. Destroyer imps warp in to the south and try to destroy your base. A few turrets can kill them easily or a medic.

AI has been my focus the last few hours I got to work.. after my fight this weekend ( supposing I do not get injured ;P ) I will have a ton of time open up as I back off jujitsu for a while. I want to make a few tournaments a year and in between a few classes a week =).. just no time for full devotion to it.

I will get some shots up later as I work =)…

Fight this weekend….

Fixed a lot tonight and still going here is the list:

I add as I find things and take away as I fix =)..




I will be competing in Torque this weekend in GI and NO-GI Brazilian jujitsu tournaments. I am already scared =P…So Saturday will be interesting for sure…No arm bars please!! =)…Or guillotine (I tend to fall for those a lot)…If I loose though a triangle or arm bar loss is most likely. If I win it will be via arm bar or choke I am pretty good at those.

Cursed Realms: I am working when I can last weekend was a loss with mother’s day and a pool party on Saturday. Tonight I will be back at it. I had to add some behaviors so the user imps can come in and destroy your tiles and base. I am polishing as best I can. I want the scripted events to be fun and exciting so I am adding them as I play =)… More later… I will try to put up some shots later.

Last major bug squashed…

Man what a late nighr I had but the last major worry I had was destroyed. At the edge of the world I was getting strange flickering z fighting but also strange flickering movement. The reason for this I knew had to be floating point error. But how?… I then tracked back to my batch collision code and made each part have a transform to locate the model and not just reside in world space. Whallllaaaah prayers answered! =)… Experience really helped me there. It reminded me of some old code in Men of Valor I worked on back in the day..


Amazing that game took 20 programmers and about 40 artist and 10 other positions and ran on an Xbox original and PC. Cursed Realms is on a phone and made by just me….times change…

More later when I get home. I am excited that nasty bug has been fixed wow… Only took a few hours but at first I was really worried it might get deep into my math code.

Posting ipad shots today as I work

I have been plugging away hard…Not much to show for it as it is mostly little things here and there and a lot of audio =)… Still going!

AGAIN CLICK FOR THE GIANT iPad3 Resolutions.. 🙂

A good day to share a link to this blog with a friend that might like this game =) LOTS of media in super high resolution today =)






Working on the old ipad 3 today… so pretty =)

Click on images below for UBER resolution.




Recovering but working

Man being sick really reminds you to appreciate the days you are well. Amazing what being ill does to you drive and energy levels. I am going through cleaning Cursed Realms up and speeding it up. I am also playing ti constantly making improvements. When I am happy I will move to the steps that have a set amount of time to complete and will build the Alpha team. That could be next week or next few weeks. I want it to be the best it can be before I waste Alpha testers time with stuff I know I should fix.

More later!..

Been really hard to squeeze in time..




Below an imp finds out what between a rock and a hard place means 😉


I spent last night fixing the imps and still have an issue with gold collection. I need to make them drop the gold if there is no treasury space. I also spent about 2 hours talking to my boys and mainly one of my boys who has shown addiction signs to video games. We removed them from his life for a while until things return to normal and then we will let him slowly move to a moderation level. We went and got him some good graphic novels and a few real novels for the 9 year old to start building his mind with. Amazingly enough his reading level is extremely high and his intellect also when games are removed… moderation… Anyhow, it has been hard to find time at night so I am thinking about flipping my life again and going to bed early and waking up at 4 in the morning to work on cursed realms. We shall see. more tonight!