Port level done..

I am finally happy with the level. =)


Still going I plan on working hard this week again. I have the game done from the main menu through to the port. Now I need to continue into the first levels. It is finally coming together..I just need a way to find more off time so I can work more on it.


More later!

Tying in the level change stuff…

IE warp graphic landing effect (your vision is disturbed a bit after landing from a warp). And now warping out. Then I will have all level transport complete.. =)..

More later as I expect to be back at work on ME now that a long site trip is over and we pulled our house off the market. There is just nothing better then where we live now out there that is not half a million dollars and close… amazing.. Now I pay so little I just do not want the huge payments of a 200-300k house!