So animations are combining

All humanoid animations are combining to one blend file. I could see a huge mess of files coming if I had one animation in each file. Along with the bloated file sizes I was seeing. I already combined a lot of them. Then I will append the base skeleton to each of the characters and re-weight them with automatic weights this time to avoid seams in the segmented parts. With this procedure I will bring in at least two more characters. The pus bucket and a zombie I got from the asset store. I may buy more to save time. Anyway I expect the process to be done in the next few days and have a clean up session again. The clean up is needed because a lot of initial work I did was while learning unity. This I did not know the cleanest ways to get something done 😉 . I feel I have mastered unity now and things move really quick so I hope the clean up will not take long at all. I just have to be careful not to delete the wrong items 😉 . Thank goodness the asset server is there just in case 😉

I hope by next week to also have occulus rift workin in the game. It is a drag and drop. However I have a bunch of code that works off the camera so I have to move that over. I am very impressed with the occulus rift. The resolution is very impressive. The immersion level is ridiculous. I really cannot wait to walk around in mission Europa fully immersed 😉

More later 😉

Got my Occulous Rift

Holly crap it is the future. They just need to demo it to people and have a good price and it WILL sell. I do plan on putting mission europa on Oculous VR now. I would love to see my creation in VR….It truly is amazing in every way. I wish I could see more demos but the latest SDK broke all the old ones. So until they recompile I have to wait with eager hands and my DK2 kit on my head =)….

Back to work on the game -)…

Before AI takes cover…

Before the AI starts to take cover I want heads to roll… actually I want all parts to roll =)…With the system the way it is I can pretty easily have limbs be severed and roll around =).. I think that would add a ton of fun. Basically I will spawn the part that it was mad with at the bone location and give it physics to fly off and land. I then scale down the bone at that location to zero to hid the missing part… The arms head and legs will be the parts that can be blown off… =)… I think that little bit of work really would be fun. I would have to make it random I think to be special… or a function of how much damage was done at once…IE you wacked half the hitpoints in one hit AND hit close to one of the bones that can be severed….. First the head and then I will add the others.. I hope to have it done tonight but wee shall see.. Then I will move to making the AI take cover..more later