if(time == 0) {sleep = false;}

Not sure what to call this right now it is the hole sword thanks to the hole in the middle to loose weight..

Update Single Plasma Sword:

Update Double Fire Sword:

Update Fire sword:

peak at a double sided Lazer sword! =)…I will post an item view of it soon

The new weapons will be of this calibur ignore the description.. in progrss

Baddies with the lazer sword.. on to the plasma sword.. =)

Final lazer sword.. on to more.. these should go much faster!

Update: Weapons OVERHAUL! .. I felt the weapons models were lacking in comparrison to my competition.. and although my competition may have only 6 weapons in the whole game and I have through combinations thousands I felt I need to overhaul them =)… a little delay until next build but a needed one =).. I will post the lazer sword when I get the code written to support the glow models on the weapons…I hate giving up 2 batches for each attached weapon but well worth it =)

Update: On to Weapons!… I am happy with the base minnion looks (Again the weapons are NOT in there for the monsters nor their names! Suggest some they will go right in if appropriate … towards the end they really get epic looking… they look powerful as they are =).. Loaded with abilities.. ;)..

I am reserving the last 10 levels for really good names =)..

Man that bestiary tool was worth the 6 hours it took to make!… I wish I had that tool when I was in the industry.. an easy way to visually keep up with all the monsters that is updated automatically! Love it!..




Of course the weapons are not in their hands because all weapons are not done =)…

But they are close! I think they look pretty damn good when you consider you will see SO many on screen =)


WOW the day job is really slow… like for the last 2 weeks…. not sure if I should be nervous or not… I am definately starting to get nervous.. =/….. Well at least I get more time on this I guess… but this does not pay the bills =P… BACK TO WORK!.. SOON the really fun part! Weapons!!! Probably tonight or tomorrow I will start the weapons! \=)





Again you can watch the bad guys evolve minus the bosses here :

Today I should have the in progress Bestiary online…


FEEL FREE TO SUGGEST NAMES HERE FOR THE BEASTS =)… Be warned 80% of them are going to change graphically though… In the middle of the mess =P

this is a VERY different game and not just an FPS ;)… 10x the enemies on screen 100x the different looking enemies.. RPG.. lots different =).. I am not making Halo-Light ;)…

IGNORE NAMES THEY ARE NOT DONE.. a beating to name 250 bad guys…



BEAT THAT NUMBER OF DIFFERENT LOOKING ENEMIES! -P… Every One will eventually look different =)..
In the middle of fixing these guys!..

OF COURSE!!! That is very un-finished.. I am using that tool to check all the in game assets as far as monsters.. you can see a ton of bugs and repeats.. I will be using it to not only have an online beastiary automatically created, but to debug the look of the Bad Guys and the repeats …The only way I had to track them all and their looks was to build this tool =).. There are A LOT of baddass ones not in there yet I am working on =)…Purty Damn Sweet!…
There is still a bug in the glow system for the beast tool … looking into it.. as I make a LOT more bad guys

Back to work on a nice looking baddy =P

I wrote a system that takes the monsters out of the game and uploads their info to the web. I just need to finish it then as I tune and finish the monsters you all can see and comment on them here =)… I will post a link latter..

250 monsters… I will not be showing bosses you have to find them…both the random spawns and the mains..


Hopefully in the next day or so I plan on setting up a bestiary of all the levels showing all the bad guys =)..
I want to code it to automatically update with a tool. So I just need to setup the system to auto upload =)..

Update I asked before and still have the old ideas I will be using. But now that I am almost done integrating all the levels it is almost time to fill out the weapons and skills!….

I would love some suggestions again:
Skills/Spells (pretty much anything goes. Think multiplayer also..)

I should be able to get all the way to the alien city today!

Man this puppy is shaping up…
Effect seen in a later stage outside… familiar ? =)

n the

DANG this game runs good on a first gen iphone 1.0 !! wow =)..

The Orbital platform is at 50% integrated… Then on to the Alien City and the ??? =)..Moving faster and faster now =)

You find out in the story that the Orbital Platform is where the more dangerous experiments took place… looks like something got loose and is growing on everything =)

Ignore weapons and names they are temporary -=)



ok I need some motivation! 😉

Can you guys suggest me some games with better graphics, more fun, better menus, etc… on the iPhone/iPad …

I want to run through my competition before I finish and I just have not had time to follow all the hundreds of thousands of apps 😉

Any suggestions are good thanks guys!

Levels Mostly done!..

Update0: Retina Display Support in… what a difference =)…Added a few bugs I have to fix but o well =) Worth it =) Bugs fixed here is a screen shot in game with Retina Enabled wow.. what a difference! =P


A few more of the full Major Assault Bot..

Update: I got three whole new sets of baddies in last night. \=).. Who needs sleep anyway!.. I will post a video of one of them soon I call him Wire Head =).. A Port Orion Monster.. not to strong ..

Rawr! I cannot explain this creatures background as it would spoil a twist or two =)..

But a nasty hungry creature…


I am creating the enemies now. They all share parts and appendages so as I make more the number of different looking enemies increases exponentially. Right now I am finishing the third tiers set (Level 30-40). I still need to finish the last tier levels 40-50.
Then I have to come back and create the players armor for 3 tiers and the weapons / armor. the last step will be the quest integration into the levels and whallah we have a complete game that needs testing tweaking an polishing with the beta crew. =)

I am working nights as hard as I can. I will keep you all informed of the progress. Currently I really do not have a time table on the next release. It will be as fast as humanly possible. The game will not ship however until beta testers are satisfied it will be an outstanding success. =0…..

Alien City Done

Update: Here is a fully assembled Minor Assault Bot… ignore the name tag I was just running a test…

Update: Finishing the enemies now… then abilities/weapons/armor.

finally got around to playing Dead Space. You know they got away with only building 6 or so types of enemies? … pretty amazing that they could pull that off and still keep it fun =) … Good game..

On to the last tier! =).. This is just level creation of course. But one huge step done after I finish the last levels.

I will not post pics of any more levels as you will have to play it to see them -)

All righty then! Back to work!

See the last post for lots of shots!

Orbital Platform Clean version done!

ROOM TEST: Alien Terrace

ROOM TEST: Alien Hall Of Kings

ROOM TEST: Long Bridge Room in the Alien City..

Invested more memory into the outer environment…looks a lot better now..


A look out the window in the alien city =) (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Alien city area.. with the city in the back.

pass the link around the forums you traverse =) I really need to start building some interest ;)….


Almost done with Port Orion..

A movie of a room test I did with the planets and the bridge room on the orbital platform… the room has not been gored up yet =)

A port orion room =)…
I am onto port orion bad guys now then on to the Orbital platform =)

Update Well work (the job that actually pays…) is slow and my boss seems to think busy work = good..It is more of a psychosis I think… working on busy work does not equal profit…o well I have to eat so back to work just wanted to vent a little =P… Late tonight I should be able to get the last room done for port orion hopefully. Then I will continue on into the Oribtal platform =)….. back to monotony =P

I forgot to delimit all boss heads!.. looks pretty cool actually =P I think
That is the drill masters head someone put on =-)

This is a large bridge room in Port Orion.. =)..

AGAIN NO PROPS,EFFECTS,LIGHTS, GLOWING THINGS, or BLOOD… just the basic room shot here.. =).

As you enter:
(Click for much larger image)

The bridge across and to the left kind of a Z walking pattern..
(Click for much larger image)

Then I move to the orbital platform =)..

A larger Room inside port orion again the effects ARE NOT IN THERE.. nor the props..bodies etc..
=) Just the base room =)

(Click for much larger image)


A port orion room =)…
I am onto port orion bad guys now then on to the Orbital platform =)

Here is a shot from further down in Port Orion.. under construction the effects are not in that room yet =)..


I added some base boards that were missing a must…

These are the clean non defiled in areas =)…

All quest and story line written and in the middle of being recorded.
Quests code and scripting in progress.
Level construction in progress – Current location Orbital Platform..

Current Bug list Build Arena_3
– Add world map to pick where you would like to challenge people. Map shows waiting players…
– Each Town Warp Gate checks you for a teleport skill and if you do not have its skill then it drops it in your skills inventory.
– Mr Spud and the evil backpack….
– More then one potion in the store
– Show your cash while in store.
– Heads not stacking…
– Trying to loot head in arena when inventory full = fail…
(only if you trash an item.. it trashes the loot too…. whoops.. )
you are stuck in arena FOREVER!!! j/k.. need to fix post build..
– Projectile speed up.. Was being lazy without a swept sphere collision check adding it to my physics library now.. .. done should have done that a long time ago…
– Fix the free store.. =)


183 hand coded quests… masochistic comes to mind…..

Current Bug list Build Arena_3
– Add world map to pick where you would like to challenge people. Map shows waiting players…
– Each Town Warp Gate checks you for a teleport skill and if you do not have its skill then it drops it in your skills inventory.
– Mr Spud and the evil backpack….
– More then one potion in the store
– Show your cash while in store.
– Heads not stacking…
– Trying to loot head in arena when inventory full = fail…
(only if you trash an item.. it trashes the loot too…. whoops.. )
you are stuck in arena FOREVER!!! j/k.. need to fix post build..
– Projectile speed up.. Was being lazy without a swept sphere collision check adding it to my physics library now.. .. done should have done that a long time ago…
– Fix the free store.. =)

Working on the cut scenes =)..

183 Main story arc missions… ALL with 2 cut scenes!…over 360 cut scenes!… wow.. I am nuts..

Going to be a bit before the next content update!.. I am going to finish the game =).. then we can test the whole thing and polish =)..That means a LOT of late nights coming up. As bugs accumulate I will do builds to squash them.. Keep the suggestions coming =).. I am into the 20-30 levels now.. as a progress report. It is going faster and faster =).. So I will not be sleeping much the next week or two.. =)

Thank you Testers!

SHES AWAY…. new build up…check your email…

Update: Going to pump a build out with just a bunch of crash tests. I am in the middle of something and hoping it will not effect you guys. I did not have much time to test it but the crash that is out there is pretty bad.. (caused by the update to 4.0… so I am putting it together now =) )

Thanks guys… I am pumping on through episode 2.. I am having to create some of the Oribital Platform also… so it might take a few days longer front end but we will gain that time back end =)

Current Bug list Build Arena_3
– Each Town Warp Gate checks you for a teleport skill and if you do not have its skill then it drops it in your skills inventory.
– More then one potion in the store
– Show your cash while in store.
– Heads not stacking…
– Trying to loot head in arena when inventory full = fail…
(only if you trash an item.. it trashes the loot too…. whoops.. )
you are stuck in arena FOREVER!!! j/k.. need to fix post build..
– Projectile speed up.. Was being lazy without a swept sphere collision check adding it to my physics library now.. .. done should have done that a long time ago…
– Fix the free store.. =)

Update: MrSpud hope your better.. as a present I finally ran spell check on the missions WOW am I awesome at spellin-an-tipos… =P

Update: I think I am going to always allow you to port anywhere… =)… it opens things up and if you are a level 1 trying to port to the orbital platform…. you will just be a goo pile in a few seconds… Kind of takes care of itself =)…

Good stuff flowing in! =)
Levels 10-20 coming soon =)… I am going to release info as I go =).. I plan on releasing a more stable build when I get more bugs in and fixed =)

Some of the weapons included:
Of course again these are base… there are thousands of combos…

Micro Rocket Launcher


Battle Axe
Death’s Spike

Fire Phantasm
Ice Bolt
.22 Turrent
Lightning Blast


😉 some have to be secret =P

After port orion Levels 21-29 are on an orbital platform. They were the labs… they have been silent a while … =)


– Can anyone open multiple types of one window?

Current Bug list Build Arena_3
– Heads not stacking…
– Trying to loot head in arena when inventory full = fail…
(only if you trash an item.. it trashes the loot too…. whoops.. )
you are stuck in arena FOREVER!!! j/k.. need to fix post build..
– Projectile speed up.. Was being lazy without a swept sphere collision check adding it to my physics library now.. ;).. done should have done that a long time ago…

FIXED Bug list Build Arena_3
FIXED – Open to many menus Kaboom – I Think this was actually caused by the same error crashing levels just with the character window… I cannot open multiple menus from the main game menu..
FIXED (Design error) – Die and touch (4.0 switch argh…. ) – Investigate… (does not happen for me in arena so test in dungeon) (Quest causes this a depreciated method was used in a system… now to find a new way to do it =))

Update Email sent:
Hopefully all arena issues have been resolved!..
Arena Notes…
Currently it will just connect you to the first player that shows up. If no one is there you will wait at stage 2 until someone does.
My recommendation is to set up a time on the blog. Then meet during that time and timezone..
If you encounter a problem please post it on the blog
I have added quite a few beta testers and now am hitting the limit of the licenses I get from apple so I hope it will be a little easier to find an arena match.
As for single player we still need to test it all. Now I will move on to Episode 2 while you guys beat up this build.

Download the zip
unzip to a location.
delete the old version from itunes if you have one
delete the old provisioning profile from your device if you have one (settings general profiles)
drag the .ipa to itunes
drag the mobile provisioning file to itunes.
set the app to sync with the device and sync.

Set your name at the red portal (Malice Machine)
Other then that bring on the bugs and feature requests =).. I will be knee deep in Port Orion. =)…

If the new beta testers have questions please post them on the blog. There many other people can help you also!

A last note lag (of which is not that bad I played Doom(Cali) to me (Texas) last night and it was awesome. (until I got a Reyem Neas in my face) in the Arena can vary greatly as some people are east coast and some west. Currently I am not filtering because of the lack of testers. I think we have around 10 of 100 testing so filtering would be a bad idea!

Update: Arena thoroughly tested and awesome =).. I put a mac on a foreign ip and log in remotely to test… argh… =).. but now all good. No crashing after playing 5 games. (the crashing was some socket recycling code I had some mistakes in ).. Now there should be other single player crashed I have not had time to find so if you do please post here . I expect to creat the build this hour.. -=)

Update: going home early to make a build =)… so I should have one up withing 3 hours I hope =).. I need to run one more test then start the LONG apple process of getting an adhoc build out.. =-)

Update: Tonight/Today expect a build… I fixed the crash bug and was able to connect multiple times… It will be a stable tested arena =)… again the problem will be finding other testers waiting for a match. I suggest commenting here when you can play =)..

Update: Here is a shot from Doom one of the very active Beta testers… this is him callling up Reyem Nease in the arena right on my face…. It did not end well for me…HOWEVER! I got off a poison blood bolt and Doom fell right after I did! =)…GOOD STUFF!

We have ignition houston!…

I am going to break from creating The rest of Episode 2 and finish the Arena now… The main question… can we connect! has been answered!! =)… Now I need to add in some connection selection code to give users choices of who they want to fight…and fix the crash bugs ( just shutdown issues and 4.0 argh… ).. Anyway off to the races =).. tonight I should be able to get some work done and this weekend looks pretty open so I should be able to tear it up =)..

First goal get a stable build with the basic arena to you guys and that should be in the next day or so…