WOW the day job is really slow… like for the last 2 weeks…. not sure if I should be nervous or not… I am definately starting to get nervous.. =/….. Well at least I get more time on this I guess… but this does not pay the bills =P… BACK TO WORK!.. SOON the really fun part! Weapons!!! Probably tonight or tomorrow I will start the weapons! \=)





Again you can watch the bad guys evolve minus the bosses here :

9 thoughts on “BURNING AND TURNING

  1. Just got through skimming the list on the main website. They look awesome, but are there no enemies with melΓ©e? There’s nothing wrong with using axes instead of melΓ©e but I find it a little strange.

  2. No weapons or monster abilities are done =-)… just finishing their models =)

    Watch the video a few posts back with the floating demons.. they just beat the crap out of you with a bite and a punch =)

    I will post a link for ya…

  3. Yeah I remember those, I just meant the people/skeleton monsters in the video. They can use different weapons right, not just the ones in the pictures right? (that’s basically what I was asking)

    1. Any monster can use any weapon or ability =).. I just wire them up how I want with what brain I want and set them free to eat your brains =)

  4. I can’t believe no one has anymore weapon ideas…THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to get your ideas IN A GAME you have been creating…( oh yeah some guy named Ryan did a little too). πŸ™‚

    If you day job was smart they would kick down a payment to be partners…tell em I told them so..

    1. I wish πŸ˜‰

      Maybe this will become more of a job πŸ˜‰

      I cannot believe more people are not following this. There is nothing with more depth or original gameplay on these devices πŸ˜‰ nor the chance to provide more input πŸ˜‰

      We have around 70 people following the blog … Surprising.. But I guess you have to have a name to be followed mini gore has 120000 views on touch arcade for example.. Good game? Maybe I thought it was a bit shallow but I guess a lot liked it.. Anyway we are here and going to make this te best we can! πŸ˜‰

  5. Mini bore is just that…give it a new skin for Halloween and Christmas, but it’s still mini bore..and they like to charge a dollar for everything new..Jake..
    A lot of your followers are in touch arcade and such…let’s see someone get you a review….someone has some pull, right..???? If we all can help in our special ways..this game will pave the road for even better games, with the talents of Ryan and OUR help..
    Thanks, that was my time to rant..

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