Akira still best anime movie ever… period…

Watching it again for the 10000 time while working some today. Right now I am moving the player over to be an AIUnit so he will be in the link lists for the room. That way the combat system is totally faction based and generic. IE I can have charm and a much more smooth combat system. Needed to do it just waited until now. Also added the block skill to tier one valor so you can use the shield. Added a zombie attack animation and sounds this morning. The basic tier one nasties take a swipe at you. Tier one is level 1 – 10 and is called the Caverns of death..Cut and paste from the design doc for a description of 1-10. “The wretched horde are the rejects. The failed experiments of the foul and horrid necromancer that dwells beneath and has caused all this pain and death. Simple for any regular to destroy. New recruits might find themselves as a snack item on the menu. Hold no mercy for them as they will not for you.” . Anyway back to work.. =).. I need to get the combat system complete .. that means finish the AI using the same skill system. Then implement airmaps and spells. (projectiles and effects).

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