Working through the change to the latest version of everything unity.

I am glad the unreal experience is over. Quite the learning experience. A lot of conversion and writing code to accelerate it has been going on. But that should go faster and faster.

Done with the current entry screen. I do plan on making a banshee soft intro screen also later.

I am moving one state at a time. All along the way being cognoscente the goal is to be for VR, PC, and Mobile. Yes I know large goals especially with UI concerns. First VR. I LOOOVE seeing ME2 like I am in the universe =). Next set step is the main port change over. And getting the UI working correctly with VR from the original goal of just PC/Mobile.

Here is a look at where it is currently. With an awesome song from a musician I have lost contact with. Maybe he will show up here someday. I love his work.

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