Working daily -=)

Determined… welp my little decal/detail in engine system is close to done. So glad to have its ease of use. I hope to be complete with it in a few hours. Just clean up and terrain to check.

Terrain should just be a query adjustment (Heopfully) Then back to making VR work.

I actually bought a system that gives more then all the weapon uses items. Bows, swords, guns, reloading all sorts of stuff worth the 80 bucks for sure! Super excited to experience Mission Europa in VR beginning to end =).

2 thoughts on “Working daily -=)

  1. I’ll buy a VR visor only to play your game! Glad to support you.
    Do you have Patreon or crowdfunding?
    Have you ever used Chat gpt for script/coding?

    Saxomagno (Italy)

  2. Thanks so much!
    I am glad to be back at it I took far to long starting a company that sucked my life away lol.
    However it is flying and does not need as much time. Now it is time to finish ME2. -)
    No idea don’t Good Idea. I should set that up to offset asset costs!
    No chat CPT on code yet I do use it though.
    I am old school there. I want the fastest and most purpose written code.
    I may use it for editor code though I have yet to attempt that. Interesting!

    Thanks for the ideas I will investigate!

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