Back at it again lol

Well corona knocked the main job down a bit so back to ME2! =)

Going to go through everything today and see where she sits. Hopefully fans of the game will come back with new development =).. First thing is assessment of where I was.

More later!

6 thoughts on “Back at it again lol

    1. THANKS!!! Any ideas on a smaller VR game to test the waters?
      Man I miss the old game myself.

      1. Maybe a 5 minute survival fps to test things. Say, self destruct is armed, you have no options left and you are going to go down in a blaze of glory against the evil lurking in the shadows of the mines

  1. Hey Ryan, found my way here after MONTHS of scouring the internet trying to remember the name of your game I remember so fondly. A nice person on Reddit finally was able to give me the name “Mission Europa” Is there really no possible way to play it in 2021? (with jailbreak, firmware downgrade, etc.)

    1. Lost my dad to Corona who ran the business I was working at so right now I have started another to take that on. I would love to be working on games full time. But for now I have to make the paycheck and business work. Hopefully I can get back at it after this business can pay the bills and is running full strength. So not done. If anyone has a good lottery ticket I would gladly make the sequel it was going so well!

      Thanks so much for checking in! I really hope I can get where I can finish ME2

      1. Hey Ryan, I’m very sorry to hear about your dad. I wish you good luck with the business and with your games. Like others following your blog, I would be more than willing to pay for a “remaster” of sorts of Mission Europa to help fund ME2. Have you considered Kickstarter?

        As far as ideas for a VR game, I will definitely get back to you. I love VR and I’m sure I can think of something!

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